Вестник „Зелени идеи“– полезни съвети за озеленяване и Ландшафтна архитектура
Ти Ейч Консултинг – полезни съвети за дома и бизнеса през окото на Ландшафт специалистите. В нашия Вестник „Зелени идеи“може да прочетете практични статии и препоръки от нашата реална практика. Стараем се да публикуваме редовно новини и тенденции в озеленяването и ланшафтната архитектура.
Waterproofing of the foundation is one of the key factors, responsible for the correct and long life of the buildings and facilities ...
The gutter serves for discharging the water from one place to another It can be gated or an open type of ditch. Preferable are ...
The drainage pits are the perfect way to spot drainage areas of different sizes. The pit-traps are aesthetically pleasing way for the introduction ...
Structures, made of stone, limited to rectangular or spherical forms by galvanized wire mesh are called gabions. They can be made ...
Retaining Walls
Retaining walls are practical and decorative. Often used in areas with slopes and steep terrain, they allow the construction of ...
The excavation is the formation of horizontal surfaces. In many cases it is necessary, reinforced by retaining walls. When designing a future garden, the ...